just a brief video clip of just a small portion of our legendary movie actors/stuntmen they are prideful in the jobs they do to make profits based on the conditions of the situation, B-dub and Nickelson, B-dub has done acting for movies in multiple states including: Washington,Oregon,California,Nevada,and Hawaii. He has even done a shoot in Victoria BC B-dub has a history of compiling video clips with close friends as well as random people met in the general population outside the friends group, he specializes in various types of stunts involving the use of both controlled and uncontrolled fire, the use of low level explosives on various household objects as well as hardware including video game consoles and microwaves, he also does various stunts involving objects thrown or shot at himself often at a high speed,there was an incident where he unknowingly ingested a large quantity of undisclosed prescription medications and over the counter decongestants, he was immediately p! laced under the close supervision of medically trained personnel for a period of 6 hours, before showing signs of improvement.